![[Head Shot]](nugent_files/nugent.jpg)
Peter Nugent
- Ph.D., Physics (Concentration in Astronomy), University of Oklahoma, 1997
- Thesis title: Non-LTE Spectrum Synthesis of Type Ia Supernovae
- Thesis advisor: Ed Baron
- M.S., Physics, University of Oklahoma, 1993
- B.A. (Magna Cum Laude), Physics (High Honors), Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me., 1990
Current Appointment
- Department Head for Computational Science, Computational Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2017-present
- Division Deputy for Scientific Engagement, Computational Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2014-present
- Senior Fellow Berkeley Institute for Data Science, University of California, Berkeley, 2014-present
- Senior Staff Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2010-present
- Adjunct Professor of Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley, 2010-present
Current Research Interests
- Large-scale imaging and spectroscopic surveys.
- N-body + Hydro Large Scale Structure Simulations of the Lyman-Alpha Forest.
- Supernova and Gamma-Ray Burst Physics. Understanding how and why they explode and what they leave behind.
- Supernova Cosmology: measuring the cosmological parameters using
all types of supernovae as a distance probes.
Previous Appointmenets
- Group Leader, Computational Cosmology Center, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2008-2014
- Group Leader, Data Analytics Group, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, 2010-2014
- Staff Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2000-2010
- Postdoctoral Fellow Physicist with the Supernova Cosmology Project, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1996-2000
- Research Assistant, University of Oklahoma, 1995-1996
Professional Activities and Society Membership
- Space Telescope User's Committee, 2002-2005
- UC Screening Committee for the next Director of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2004
- PI of SNAP's Core Collapse Working Group, 2000-Present
- American Astronomical Society, 1991-Present
- Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1999-Present
- Referee for ApJ, ApJL, PASP, PRL, MNRAS, AJ, and Science
Honors and Awards
- Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics, 2015
- LBL's Director Award for Exceptional Scientific Achievement, 2013
- NERSC Award for Innovative Use of High Performance Computing, 2013
- SuperComputing '09 Storage Challenge Award, 2009
- Gruber Cosmology Prize, 2007
- Department of Energy's Big Splash Computational Award, 2002-2003
- Nielsen Award from the Physics Department, University of Oklahoma, 1997
- GAANN Fellowship from the U.S. Dept. of Education, University of Oklahoma, 1990-1995
- Noel C. Little Prize from the Physics Department, Bowdoin College, 1990
- Edwin H. Hall Physics Prize, Bowdoin College, 1988
- James Bowdoin Scholar, Bowdoin College, 1986-1990
Selected First-Author Publications
Nugent et al., "Supernova SN 2011fe from an exploding carbon-oxygen white dwarf star", Nature, Volume 480, Issue 7377, pp. 344-347 (2011).
Nugent et al., "Toward a Cosmological Hubble Diagram for Type II-P Supernovae", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 645, Issue 2, pp. 841-850 (2006).
Nugent et al., "K-Corrections and Extinction Corrections for Type Ia Supernovae", Pubs. of the Astron. Soc. of the Pacific, Volume 114, Issue 798, pp. 803-819 (2002).
Nugent et al., "Evidence for a Spectroscopic Sequence among Type 1a Supernovae", Astrophysical Journal Letters v.455, p. L147 (1995).